You Are Amazing: The Transforming Power of Encouragement

You Are Amazing: The Transforming Power of Encouragement

“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” — Psalm 139:14-16

Life can sometimes feel like an uphill climb, especially when faced with criticism or negativity. But let’s pause for a moment and reflect on this beautiful truth: God created you with purpose, intention, and love. Everything He made reflects His divine encouragement, and that includes you. When we embrace this truth, we can become a source of encouragement for others, helping them to grow, thrive, and recognize their worth.

God is the author of encouragement, and He calls us to follow His example. Not everyone finds it easy to stay motivated or press forward, which is why it’s so important to look beyond ourselves and see others through the lens of love and grace. As Paul writes:

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” — Philippians 2:3-5

When we encourage others, we reflect God’s heart. We become vessels of His love, helping others to feel seen, valued, and understood.

A Story of Challenge and Grace

Recently, my mom shared a story with me about a dear friend of hers—a sister in Christ—who is going through a challenging season. After her conversion, her newfound faith brought her joy, but it also created tension within her family. Her husband and daughter, feeling threatened by the change, began to mock her faith, even calling her names. Among the hurtful words, the one that cut the deepest was, “You’re saying stupid things.”

This situation reveals a deeper truth: when people feel insecure or misunderstood, they may respond with criticism or ridicule. My mom’s friend, in her attempt to stand firm in her beliefs, sometimes comes across as controlling, which adds to the tension.

In response, I encouraged my mom to share this thought with her friend: Instead of standing her ground in defense, she might try to approach her family with Christ-like humility and encouragement. Jesus teaches us to love even those who challenge us:

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” — Matthew 5:43-44

By choosing love over defense, grace over control, and encouragement over criticism, her friend could soften hearts and transform conversations. Encouragement is powerful because it builds others up without seeking anything in return.

Reflecting on Our Own Conversations

How do your conversations go? Are they filled with encouragement or weighed down by criticism? Take a moment to consider how your words impact others. Are you looking at situations through their perspective, seeking to understand how they feel? Most importantly, ask yourself, What would Jesus do?

Encouragement isn’t just a kind word—it’s an act of love. It’s selfless, patient, and life-giving. It lifts others up and helps them see the goodness God has placed within them.

Keep Growing and Encouraging

As you go about your day, remember this: you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Let that truth fill you with confidence and compassion. Then, let it overflow into the lives of those around you. You have the power to brighten someone’s day, to inspire hope, and to help others see the love of God through your words and actions.

Keep growing, keep encouraging, and never forget—you are amazing!